initiad --help
to see a list of all available commands
# you may need to adjust the composition of the gas fee when doing cli with basic tx ,
example format :
--gas-prices # decimal format [AMOUNT]uinit
--gas # gas limit default is "200000"
--fees # format [AMOUNT]uinit
--gas-adjustment # default "1"
define your own combination
initiad keys add wallet
initiad keys delete wallet
initiad keys add wallet --recover
initiad keys list
initiad tx bank send wallet [TO_ADDRESS] [AMOUNT]uinit \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx bank multi-send wallet [TO_ADDRESS1] [TO_ADDRESS2] [TO_ADDRESS3] [AMOUNT]uinit \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000uinit \
--pubkey $(initiad tendermint show-validator) \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--min-self-delegation 1 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.01 \
--commission-max-rate 0.2 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--moniker ["VALIDATOR-MONIKER"] \
--identity ["VALIDATOR-IDENTITY"] \
--website ["VALIDATOR-WEBSITE"] \
--security-contact ["VALIDATOR-CONTACT"] \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx staking edit-validator \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--new-moniker ["NEW-VALIDATOR-MONIKER"] \
--security-contact ["NEW-VALIDATOR-CONTACT"] \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx staking delegate [TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS] [AMOUNT]uinit \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx staking redelegate [SRC_VALOPER_ADDRESS] [TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS] [AMOUNT]uinit \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx slashing unjail \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad query gov proposals
initiad query gov proposal [PROPOSAL_ID]
OPTION_VALUE: yes , no , no_with_veto and abstain
initiad tx gov vote [PROPOSAL_ID] [OPTION] \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"
initiad tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(initiad keys show wallet --bech val -a) \
--commission \
--chain-id initiation-1 \
--from "wallet" \
--gas "200000"